Requests for private classes can be sent to Contact us by email today to get scheduled.


Thank you for the course. It was by far the best training I ever had, and I have had some. Your attention to detail, what I did right and what I did wrong and how to correct what I did wrong, the tips and constant reminding of what I should be doing when drawing makes you a true training professional. While I hope to never have to draw, I am more confident about doing so after taking Pistol Mechanics 2. I will be practicing the tips you suggested throughout the day. I will be following your website for future courses. Your professionalism is beyond reproach.
— Leo M. Stepnian II
As a novice gun owner my training session was filled with valuable information, hands-on target practice, and helping me to gain more confidence handling my firearm.  Michael is top notch in his ability with instructing seasoned firearms handlers and to those who have little or no experience handling a gun.  Experienced, Professional and Dedicated to the Safety and Handling of all Firearms.  Highly recommend!
— Joan D.
Mike is very engaging and comes with a high level of expertise and takes shooting to a whole new level. If you want to hone in your shooting ability then I highly recommend that you contact Mike. His expertise and ability to transfer knowledge of firearms safety, handling, and high level of expert shooting is something any gun owner should have. Whether your a beginner, experienced, or an expert shooter, Mike certainly has something to offer. Best money I’ve ever spent.
— Tim P.